I got from colleague AmigaOne XE. And I have some questions.
1. What is correct U-Boot version from Hyperion?
On Hyperion download site is written "AmigaOne Firmware Update *05-Mar-2005*"
And version which is on my AmigaOne is: U-Boot 1.1.1 (Mar 3 2005 - 16:42:53)
This is two days difference. Is it hotfix or some mistake?
Please do somebody have AmigaOne with last Hyperion U-Boot and can check the version from computer?
Can I flash it?
I also have Micro with U-Boot 1.2.0 and it is working perfectly. Is there way howto download U-Boot without removing the ROM? Then I can flash XE with newer experimental U-Boot.
2. My board is DMA fix.
There viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1889 is perfect explanation from tonyw what DMA fix is.
Is possible to do Un-Fix ?
Have somebody exact information which tracks were cutted?
I want to made some experiments and need to use PCI 66MHz slot.
Or, if somebody have unfixed AmigaOne