Welcome to the Hyperion Entertainment Support Forums

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Hans-Joerg Frieden
AmigaOS Core Developer
AmigaOS Core Developer
Posts: 223
Joined: Wed Dec 08, 2010 3:52 pm

Welcome to the Hyperion Entertainment Support Forums

Post by Hans-Joerg Frieden »

Welcome to the Hyperion Entertainment Support Forum

The intention of this forum is to give our customers a direct contact with us so that we can provide support in case of problems with one of our products. This board software uses bbcode to format forum messages. In order to post, you need to have registered for an account. Registration is free, and does not depend on a registration on the main site. The login you have on the main Hyperion Entertainment site does not work here, you have to sign up extra.

The language of the forum is English. Other language post may or may not be ignored.

You will most likely need a modern browser like OWB or Firefox. Otherwise, you won't be able to use all features of the forum, and the rendering of pages will look weird and probably unreadable.

Forum Categories
General Forums
The General Forums category contains announcements and a forum to leave feedback and questions concerning the forum itself. If you have any issues with the board, with sending PM's, or posting in general, you can ask these questions here, or alternatively send a PM to one of the administrators.

AmigaOS 4.x support
The AmigaOS support forum is intended for questions regarding the use of AmigaOS 4.x. If you have any questions or problems with AmigaOS, post them here. There is one forum for each supported hardware platform, and one generic forum. If you think that your problem is not specific to your platform, post it in the general section. If it turns out your problem is specific after all, a moderator may move your thread to the appropriate forum later.

When posting a problem, make sure to be precise about what happens. If possible, include step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce the problem. Be descriptive. Postings that just say "xxx doesn't work" or "my machine crashes" will be ignored. We need to know what happens in order to help you.

Games support
In general, the same rules apply as in the AmigaOS 4.x support forums. There is a forum for each of our supported games. Please specify the platform (AmigaOS, Linux, MacOS), your hardware configuration, and everything needed to reproduce the problem.

Developer Support
Developer support is divided into a generic and an SDK category. If you have issues with the SDK, report them in the appropriate category. This includes things like missing files, crashes or issues with programs contained in the SDK (compiler or linker for example), and similar things.

The general developer forum is intended for "how do I" type of questions. We might expand on this category later if it turns our a single forum will get too crowded.

Forum Posting Rules and Conduct
General Conduct
Keep a civil tone in these forums. We will moderate any post that oversteps this line. Any offensive material will be deleted, as will illegal, explicit, or pornographic content. The decision about what is offensive is purely with the moderators.

Moderation is strict. We will moderate any post, by either removing sections of it, locking threads, or deleting the entire topic as we see fit to maintain these forums.

While we do not read, nor do we have access to, your PM's, there is a possibility for each user to report an offensive PM to a moderator or admin. When a PM is reported, moderators and admins will get access to it and may or may not take action.

We reserve the right to suspend or terminate accounts on this forum as we see fit. If we do so, this will only affect your forum account, not your Hyperion Entertainment account; you will "only" lose the rights to post here, either for a certain amount of time or indefinitely.

This message board does not try to be a community portal. There are a number of AmigaOS-related community portals like Amigans.net, AmigaWorld,net or Amiga.Org for this purpose. As such, unless the forum's description explicitly states otherwise, we would ask you to not engage in any off-topic discussion, or in fact any discussion that is not support related. If you have doubts about whether a certain post or topic is appropriate, do not hesitate to contact a moderator or admin.

Attachments and images
The board supports attachments to posts. Please do not abuse this feature, do not attach large files without reason. You can inline images in a post with the IMG tag; we ask you not to inline images that are larger than around 100k (you can always link to an image with more than 100k size by providing the link within an URL tag). Try to keep images to a minimum, and don't overload your posts with them.

If you quote a message, make sure to quote the relevant parts only Do not quote two pages of text to add a single line (or "I agree") to it. Do not quote images. If you quote a passage with an image, delete the image and replace it by something like

Code: Select all

[b]Image removed[/b]
instead of having the image again. If the image is small enough, it doesn't matter, but anything beyond approximately 250x250 pixels should not be quoted along.

Bumping threads and Thread Necromancy
If your thread is not replied to, that usually means nobody has anything to say about it. Do not bump threads without adding anything significant.
Likewise, if a thread is more than three months old, avoid bringing it back from the dead if you don't have anything to add to it. Posts like "Any news?" can result in the thread being locked.
NOTICE: If you want to contact me, use E-Mail. I cannot be contacted via the forum/private messages anymore