It must be joke!DarrenHD wrote: Ok confirmed. Issue is fixed but it's too late for Final Edition. However, we will likely post a work-around for you on these forums. eg. a new BootFloppy so you can install Ok on your A3000. So check back here soon. Sorry, if I had known about this sooner it would have been fixed sooner. If you reported this earlier and it didn't get back to me I apologize for that.
I've personally reported this bug in 2012
tonyw and ssolie said that it is fixed and now we have learned that you even don't know about the issue.
I've paid 125 euro for commercial product (AmigaOS4.1) that turned out to be so poor that even can not be installed.
I don't know if this is by incompetence, mess or simply a lack of professionalism but now we have learned that next version, for another 30 euro, is still crap in terms of installing it on A3000 DESPITE that the problem was reported almost three years ago.
This is NOT what we (classic amiga users, especially A3000 users) was expecting.